Early on in 2020 we all faced an incredible challenge, COVID-19.  There was a lot of uncertainty about how we would manage through these unprecedented times. Despite those challenges we exceeded our expectations as a company and with Omega customer base growth. We are proud of what we accomplished this year, particularly in expanding our offering with new features and enhancements.

The most notable additions included:

  • Customer Portal enhancements along with  including this major feature with the base system
  • a new partnership with ExpiTrans for electronic payment processing
  • upgrading the document creation program to work with any modern PDF creator
  • several new features and enhancements added to existing integrated partner offerings
  • new credit reporting options for COVID-19 affected accounts

Megasys has many great things planned for 2021. We will continue Omega system client growth with several exciting new features and partnership opportunities planned. Megasys will be celebrating its 40th anniversary and looks forward to hosting the Mega Bash celebration as our thank you to our customers and partners for their continued support.

If you are interested in learning more about the Omega Loan Management System, please contact us at 800-927-4490 or sales@megasys.net.

We’d love to hear from you!

Happy New Year!