Customer Portal – Paperless Feature

Customer Portal – Paperless Feature

Go Paperless!

Save time and money on postage and mailing

The Customer portal provides your customers a personalized self-service option and helps reduce customer service calls. Your customers can view their account information, payment history, complete payment transactions, submit messages, view, and upload documents, including documents that you make available to them through your Omega system.

Paperless feature:

  • Ability in the Customer Portal for your customers to turn on paperless documents and not receive paper mail.
  • New control within Omega Documents > Form Manager to allow the system to still create paper statements/documents for paperless Omega Customer Portal users or completely stop paper copies based on each document template’s setup in the Form Manager.

Get Started Today!

If you are interested in getting signed up for the Customer Portal or to learn more about the Omega Loan Management System, please contact the Megasys sales department at 800-927-4490 or email